Teresa Maria Rosaria Noviello


Teresa obtained her M. Sc. in Genetic Science and Technologies at University of Sannio in 2015 as a joint program with the University of Naples Federico II, Sannio, Bari and Foggia.
She received her Ph.D in Science and Technology for Environment and Health in 2019 at the University of Sannio with a fellowship funded by MiUR under grant FIRB2012. During the Ph.D, her research activities aimed at developing computational approaches, in particular related to machine and deep learning, to study long non-coding RNAs at genomic, evolutionary and functional level.
She also worked as an early stage researcher in Bioinformatics at University of Sannio with a fellowship funded AIRC in 2019.
She was a postdoctoral researcher at University of Naples “Federico II” and Bioinformatics lab at BIOGEM and her research aims at developing and applying systems genetic approaches to study molecular drivers in cancer from multi -omics data.

Currently is Post-doctoral Associate at University of Miami.